User height accuracy in virtual reality is a critical component to success when using Prospect.
Because Prospect relies on the information provided by your headset to establish your height in VR, it's very important that you calibrate the headset whenever it has moved locations. For example, if you pack your Oculus Rift to travel, you'll need to recalibrate when you next use it.
Depending on which type of virtual reality headset you are using, you will have different options for setting the users height and calibrating it for accuracy. See below for where to find these settings.
HTC Vive
The HTC Vive asks users to locate the floor during the Room Setup procedures. It then calculates user height based on the distance between the floor and the tracked height of the HMD.
Oculus Rift
During the setup procedures for the Oculus Rift CV1 system, users are asked to input their height, and later during set up, the sensor is used to track the HMD and register user eye height Rift-S Users calculate height when doing room & guardian setup. Be aware that with either system - if you run the setup while sitting and then use the headset standing or vice versa, the calibration will be off.
Inside of Prospect
If after running the calibration, you find that you feel shorter/taller than you expect, the next step is to check that the 3D model has come in at the right scale.
This can be quickly confirmed by either of these methods:
(1) Create a 4'x4' cube in the original 3D file, bring into Prospect then using the Measurement tool to confirm that the cube is also 4'x4'.
(2) Within your 3D file, confirm the dimension of an object or surface and then within Prospect using the Tape Measurement tool to confirm the same dimension.