All materials black - from a 3d studio max / .obj export


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Hari Demirev (Edited )

    Hi James, 

    Sorry you're experiencing this issue. Recently, we have noticed this issue where materials do not export properly via OBJ from 3ds Max start occurring more frequently, despite following the export instructions that we recommend. 

    With our next release, which we hope to publish this coming week, we will be adding FBX support, which will allow for easier and more performant exports from 3ds Max. FBX as a file format allows for better material support, as any materials and textures are embedded in the file itself. 

    At this time, my recommendation would be to wait for our upcoming 2.0 release next week, and then test out your 3ds file with the FBX export. I apologize sincerely that this does not resolve your issue in the near term.

    Regarding the broken link: the content of this specific article has been merged into the existing 3ds Max export article. 

    Please feel free to reach out at if you have any additional questions. 

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